Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Three most important qualities in my future husband and one which I consider not important (ex.3)

As the most important qualities I chose sense of humour, intellect and empathy. For me it's essential for my future husband to be able to make me laugh, cheer me up and make me smile, especially when I'm sad. In a everyday life we don't often have opportunities to laugh. My future husband should be this special person who can introduce happiness to my life. Moreover, I like to spend time with people who can be funny. I personally like telling jokes, having fun, meeting people and I would also like my husband to be outgoing and sociable.
My future partner should be intelligent. He doesn't have to be well educated because these are two totally different things. Educated people aren't necessarily intelligent. I don't think I would stand somebody who is stupid and with whom I can't have a decent conversation. I would be bored with a person who is too narrow-minded. My husband should have something to say. Moreover, somebody intelligent is more likely to get a good job and understand what a wonderful wife he has :)
In my opinion, empathy is a very significant quality. My husband should understand me and my problems, this way he will be able to help me. He should listen to me because it's this very person who I trust and he should support me every time I need it. He can't be indifferent, I must know that I can count on him. If he is empathetic he is probably also sensitive and protective. A woman, comparing to a man, is rather vulnerable and weak and a husband should take care of her somehow. I would like to have a possibility to turn to my husband in every difficult situation. He should always be by my side when I need him.
From the qualities in ex. 3 I chose "taste in books/ films etc" as least important. Actually, I think it's not important at all. When you get married you must be aware of the fact that you will be forced to make a compromise. Sometimes you will have to resign from watching your favorite movie because your partner wants to watch a football game on tv. However, I think that it's not a big tragedy and spouses can have different tastes and different hobbies. Essential is that they love each other's company. It would also be boring if a husband and a wife would always like the same things. People are not the same and it' perfectly normal.At times one can show the other something new and interesting for this person, they can learn something from each other.It makes life simply more interesting, it's easier for them to surprise one another.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"A brother is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." Marion C. Garetty

I have two younger brothers: Piotrek (13) and Tomek (9). I totally agree with a statement that "A brother is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.". My siblings often remind me of my own childhood and the years when I was a careless kid. It's especially the older brother who is a "little bit of childhood" for me. We get along very well, talk a lot and like to spend time together.I am aware that for many teenagers that would sound strange and inconceivable but sometimes I take him when I meet with friends,for instance when we go to play volleyball or to the cinema. He is a good athlete and like me likes sport so we have a lot of things to do together.  He talks about events that go on in his school and this way I recall myself these times, my primary school adventures. Although it's impossible I sometimes wish he always stayed a kid. It's easy to talk to him and we have a lot of laugh together. Sometimes I catch myself that I prefer spending time with him than with my peers. It seems really relaxing. Moreover, he perceives me as an authority. He is five years younger than me: on one hand it's a lot but on the other we get on very well. He lives through all the events that I already have. I really like him and sometimes I do quite childish things with him, that I wouldn't do with people in my age. We have crazy and stupid ideas and I don't wonder whether it's tactful to act like this.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

review of "The Doll" by Bolesław Prus

"The Doll" is a novel by Bolesław Prus  put out in 1890. The story is set in Warsaw.The book tells a story of a merchant  Stanisław Wokulski who is a main character and his love to Ms. Łęcka - a much younger aristocrat.The novel is complex and multi- layered.
The most important plot is an unfulfilled love of the main character who is crazy about Izabela Łęcka. Unfortunately she proves to be unresponsive and inhibited. She is also very selfish and doesn't count with his feelings. His crush on her leads him to actions he wouldn't normally do.The book doesn't have a clear ending - it leaves readers unsure what happens next and arouses imagination.The novel shows how much a man can do for a woman he loves.
Striking about the novel is it's universality. It's astonishing that people's behavior hasn't really changed for years.We can find a lot of general truths in the story and see how people act. An atmosphere that we can feel while reading is also a strength - we get the picture of  Warsaw  in XIX century, Warsaw  we don't know.The book is quite humorous at times and it's a nice reading.Characters change during the story, they live through different situations, often their beliefs change. That's why they aren't monotonous and the story is kept in a brisk pace.
I can thoroughly recommend the book. "The Doll" is a classic study of love, the role of  money and position in  the society.It's thought-provoking and praiseworthy.I recommend this book especially for those who want to escape from daily life and feel like in a totally different reality.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1/73 Crimes

Today I'm going to write about two examples of breaking the law.I chose a case of an elderly, poor woman and of a young deserter.
In the first story an older woman, hardly making both ends meet,steals a tin of meat in the supermarket.She gets intercepted by a security guard.Personally, I think that she is guilty and there are no doubts that she has committed a crime.She should have paid for the product.The law is the same for everyone.Although on the one hand I have sympathy for her on the other I'm considered that she should pay for the crime.The transgression wasn't enough serious to punish her.In this case a warning may be a solution.People don't respect the law when they don't face the consequences of their offenses.It's necessary to execute the law.
The second story is about a young man who refuses to do military service on ideological grounds.The alternative for him is to do community service for eighteen months but he refuses.I think he is guilty because every citizen has the same obligation.It would be unfair towards others if he can refuse to go to the army and other men can't.I find him guilty and I think that he should be punished.He should go to jail because he doesn't want to cooperate with authorities.He could have agreed to do community service but he didn't.Few months in prison would be a sufficient penalty.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Are we living in a Big Brother world?

I' ve never really thought about this issue, whether we live in a Big Brother world.Of course I don't like the idea of being monitored and observed at every step.But is it that bad? After reading a passage about the ways in which authorities try to control citizens I got quite surprised and confused.The extract was depicting the situation in Great Britain.Poland probably won't have enough money for this type of technologies in the nearest future.But maybe one day...?
Personally I don't feel like living in a Big Brother world.I think that people,who don't obey the law - may.They have to be careful because they might be eavesdropped, they have to take out their sim cards when talking to "friends by a trade" and live in a constant fear.But I consider it rather an advantage for the society, because this way the police have bigger chances and possibilities to catch criminals.For ordinary people the drawback of using modern technology in order to prevent crime may be monitoring.The awareness of surveillance cameras is rather uncomfortable.However the attitude toward them may change when we walk after dusk an empty alley or, as in the movies, we meet a dead end and somebody starts approaching us.
In my opinion, the modern technologies, when used in a reasonable way, may be very helpful to make the world a safer place.The conditional is that they aren't overused.The authorities shouldn't exaggerate.We have to keep a smart balance between preventing crime and respecting people's privacy.The idea of being monitored in change rooms in clothes shops or in washrooms is sick for me.
To sum up, I think that citizens, who proceed legally don't have a problem with being traced and understand that it's for their own safety.In Poland the problem is that the citizens don't trust the police (I think that's reasonable).The police is occupied with causing troubles to ordinary citizens but you can't rely on them.I also perceive "straż miejska" as an useless profession because they aren't enough entitled to do anything useful.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

good and bad manners

What does it mean: good table manners? Nowadays people don't pay much attention to this kind of things.It's no longer as important as it used to be to behave properly while eating. Although we still know some basic rules, we usually don't remember about them and don't try to obey them.First of all, we shouldn't make sounds like for instance slurping or smacking during meals.Secondly, we shouldn't have our elbows on a table.Eating too fast is also considered a bad manner.Moreover, we shouldn't use fingers but cutlery  during meals.Although, in some cultures burping after eating is considered a well- mannered behavior, in our country it's very impolite.The spoon shouldn't clink against the soup plate or the glass while stirring tea.We shouldn't start eating until everybody sits down.
Well-mannered people should always remember to be respectful towards the elderly.Although it's something rather natural, not everyone keeps it.Older people are more life experienced and should be treated with respect.In my opinion, young people in Poland usually obey this rule.A good example is that they make the seats in buses and trams free when someone old gets on.However, I think that it shouldn't work only in this way.The elderly should treat younger generation with respect, too.Mutual respect is a basic rule in social relations.What about the respect for teachers? Schools changed a lot in last years.When our parents were going to school, it looked much different. Pupils had more respect for teachers because they were frightened not to have it.Today schools are more liberal and the teachers are more lenient.They can't do a lot of things which they used to do ( like applying corporal punishments).The teachers are more easy-going and friendly.I think in good schools students have respect for the teachers.However, it depends on a student.In worse schools it is often different.We sometimes hear for example in news that the teacher was afraid to go to work.To sum up, earlier, pupils had more respect for teachers.Now, it doesn't always exist.
Currently we don't often come across ladylike and gentlemanly behavior.It is usually the elderly who act like that. Younger generation consider it something obsolete and unfashionable.However it is not a rule.There are many boys who act like gentlemen, especially when they want to make a good impression on a girl.It all depends  what environment we contact and what people.Good manners is something that we learn from our parents and it's connected very much with our upbringing.I'm positive that it still exists.I think that it's easier to find a gentleman than a girl who behaves ladylike.Older women are often ladies but young girls act more like boys.Girls don't lead sheltered lives anymore.They are often noisy,foul-mouthed and misbehave.However here we can also find exceptions.
And finally a quite controversial question: how about kissing in public?Is it okay? I think here we would get divided opinions.In China people consider it a very bad manner.It doesn't disturb me at all but it is older people who have problem with that.I think it's okay as far as it is within the bounds of decency.I think it's beautiful that people show their feelings but obviously not every place is appropriate for that. I think that in some time it won't disturb anybody but at present it seems a bit controversial.
To sum up, I wouldn't be pessimistic - I think that good manners still exist.Maye we don't pay too much attention to it in our hurried life but most of the people are well-mannered.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1/66 7a

In my opinion a better solution is to have mixed schools. In future life people are forced to work together and will have constant contact with other gender.We will have to cooperate and that's why we shouldn't be isolated. Moreover, boys are better when it comes to PE lessons.Usually girls don't do much during physical education so they can play with boys when they want to.Spending time together we get to know each other, the psychology of the opposite gender and their way of thinking which can be very useful and significant in future life and looking for the candidate for a husband/wife.We can complement one another.Furthermore, lessons in a single- sex schools may be sometimes boring because it is boys who mainly make the class laugh with their funny comments.I also think that a single-sex school may be a challenge for teachers.My brother attends such a class because he it's a soccer class and often the fights break out.The group, which consists only of boys may be unbearable. Of course mixed schools have a lot of disadvantages.First of all, pupils may show off instead of focusing on learning.The second drawback is that boys and girl have different needs regarding the ways of learning.
The second question is about the teachers.Should they be easy-going or unapproachable? I'm convinced that it's much more beneficial for students when the teachers are easy-going.Then students don't resist to ask when they don't understand something or have some difficulties.They are not afraid of the teachers and aren't stressed.School shouldn't be perceived as a nightmare but it's much better when we like our classes or at least don't hate them.
Discipline should be relaxed but it depends in which schools.In primary schools and gymnasiums the discipline should be more rigid because younger children usually don't understand the importance of education.Somebody (parents,school) has to force them to learn.However when it comes to high school and older students I prefer the idea of a relaxed discipline.When somebody doesn't want to learn it's his decision.The discipline should be quite rigid during lessons because the other way round some pupils may disturb the others.But as far as we talk about attending classes or coming late I don't think we need a rigid discipline.
I don't agree with the opinion that the punishments in schools are to light.I'm not keen on the idea of corporal or very severe  punishments.The punishment is not a solution.A child can have family problems or bad examples and it may be a reason for his misbehavior.Teachers and school should rather explain certain things to such a person than punish her.The punishment of expelling is very severe and restrains from doing things, which are not allowed.I also think that in most cases a call to parents is enough.Teenagers usually care about their good relations with parents and also they don't want to be punished at home.They are afraid of being grounded or that parents will ban some things,e.g a computer or tv.If both a child and a parent don't care the severe punishments won't help,too.It's rather a very difficult situation then.Severe punishments make the school more unwelcoming and pupils may try to avoid it.
Teaching methods should be progressive.The world changes, so should the teaching methods.We need different skills as the world go forward.We should be able to use computers after finishing schools and have the abilities needed later.That's why I don't perceive a 45 minute lecture the most effective way of teaching.Students should have the possibility to develop themselves and to learn how to cooperate.Moreover, they should do things that will help them to become more and more creative (e.g. the debates and discussions,projects,presentations).Generally everything, not only learning by heart and listening to the teachers.Important is that students can ask the questions and make sure that they understand everything.All the new things that people do in school develop them and learn them something different.It also makes learning less boring and monotonous.

Friday, February 10, 2012

An incident from my childhood in which one of the children threw the household into confusion

The incident that I'm going to describe happened when I was about six years old.At that time I often used to stay with my grandparents and they would take care of me.Although, I was only 6 years old I remember this incident rather well.As usually I was in the kindergarten. Meanwhile my both parents were working.I was always different from other children.When I was young I didn't like to play with my peers very much.I was a very calm and mature child.This was one of the reasons why I hated the kindergarten.It was a nightmare for me.I had there only one friend - Basia and we would always spent time together.
We had been planning this for a long time before.Everything had to be professional and perfectly organized.The plan was ready and all we had to do was to wait for the appropriate moment.One day we decided that it finally came.That was a perfect day to escape from the kindergarten.Firstly, Basia asked the kindergarten teacher to go to the washroom.After about five minutes (we were allowed to go to washroom singly) I asked to go,too. It was the most difficult part of our escape plan because the teacher could have told me to wait until Basia comes back.Fortunately she let me go.We met together in the cloak-room.Then we silently sidled out of the building.Now we were free! We decided to go to Basia's house because there was a pouring rain outside.We were sauntering around in a downpour when suddenly we heard our teacher's nervous voice behind our backs.We were totally unaware of the fact that everybody was looking for us, including our parents who had to break out from work and the kindergarten staff.When we returned to the building everybody was furious and relieved at the same time.My parents were extremely angry but also happy that we didn't get any harm.There were also my worried grandparents waiting anxiously for us.Everybody dropped everything because of our idea to take a day off from kindergarten.It caused a lot of chaos in my family.

Monday, January 30, 2012

John’s dangerous holiday adventure

John’s dangerous holiday adventure
It was the beginning of a summer vacation. John was resting at the lake with his girlfriend Susan.
The couple enjoyed themselves lying  on a blanket in the open outdoors  surrounded by nature. All they could hear were the rustling leaves and twittering birds. Hooting cars and wailing sirens were far away. Finally they got away from the problems and the noise of a big city. John decided to swim across the lake. He was fit as a fiddle and the water seemed delightfully warm. He squinted at Susan and saw her sleeping so decided to go without telling her, in order not to wake her up. He didn’t have anything to make him noticeable in the water. Without a warm- up, spontaneously, he jumped into the lake. While he was swimming, all of a sudden he got a cramp in his leg and began to drown himself. He started to panic. It was touch and go but fortunately some fishermen were nearby on a boat and heard him crying for help. They made him out and In the last moment came and yanked him aboard.
As soon as they reached the shore they started resuscitation. After a while John came to. He was dazed and had a splitting headache but was safe and sound. Susan grinned cheerfully and embraced him. He scarred the life out of her but hopefully he won’t act so thoughtlessly ever again. (240 words)